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Our last KMOTM was Mike K. He was a co-honoree with Jorge.




1. How have you felt the season has gone for you so far? Any broad summaries for how it's gone so far and hopes for the rest of the season?

I picking by feeling. I just started a new job therefore I am not watching a lot of games. Hoping rest of the season will melo and Chandler do NOT get hurt. And I will be happy.

2. Does the spread matter to you at all?

What spread lol. I am just picking my feelings.

3. What are your favorite teams in sports? Any predictions in sports for the upcoming year?

No team, but I was into Jordan era Even tho I do not like the heat, but I think Lebron is on a different lv comparing to the rest of the NBA. This yr will be a repeat for them.

4. Any predictions outside of sports for the upcoming year? (Mayan apocalypse?)

Um... US health care is going to the poopers

5. Have you gambled on sports before?


6. How did you get into the Knicks?

Living in NJ and the nets suck

7. Any predictions for the K-Gang?

I think our group will be higher then .700 .

8. When do you generally start paying attention to the NBA?

I use to watch weekend games. But Not anymore