This is the page where MLJS Ltd will be showing all the projects that have been produced over the years.
Uploaded 5.29.2012 - MOUSEOVER to zoom on messages. When in MOUSEOVER mode, use the SCROLL wheel to further magnify...if on a Mac, use two fingers to swipe. Used the program, MacOSaix, to create this. The program is free. Thanks to engadget for pointing me in that direction. My only advice is to not use so many pictures. I used over 1200 pictures I took and it takes a little while.
Uploaded 05.28.2012 - Was up late one night and decided to draw a picture of Max and Snoop using Sketchbook Pro on the iPad. Later shrank it and used it as a banner for the website.

Uploaded 05.19.2012 - Drew a picture that I used as a banner in Amuse-Bouche with the Paper app.

Uploaded 4.27.2012 - MOUSEOVER to zoom on messages. When in MOUSEOVER mode, use the SCROLL wheel to further magnify...if on a Mac, use two fingers to swipe. This painting was a collaboration between my Lani and me before Max was born. We asked all our great family members and friends to sign the painting when they came to visit Max.
Uploaded 4.19.2012 - This image was produced with the Paper app on the iPad 2. I was testing the app out and decided to draw what I thought Max would be like at 2 years old.